Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sorting Through the Hype of PROTEIN

When my sons come home from college for breaks, I am constantly hearing: “Where’s themeat? Where’s the protein?”

I didn’t start out to head towards being a vegetarian. I don’t even advocate it for my clients, unless they want it, are seriously chronically ill, or have heart disease. I still enjoy occasional free range chicken, and I love salmon. But in my training and in dealing with so many people who suffer such poor health, directly related to the diets they have subjected their bodies to…I fully believe that eating a diet of mostly raw fresh food (preferably organic) is the best way to have an awesome full life filled with energy and life!

When I was doing all my schoolwork as a nutritional herbologist, I surprised myself and silenced my PhD (in Analytical Chemistry) Scientist husband . I saw for myself that we get all the protein we need for our bodies without any animal protein. Did you hear that?! With the traditional Western diet, the average American consumes about double the protein his or her body needs. Additionally, the main sources of protein consumed tend to be animal products, which are also high in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. Most individuals are surprised to learn that protein needs are actually much less than what they have been consuming.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein for the average, sedentary adult is only 0.4 grams per pound of body weight. To find out your average individual need: take your weight and multiply by 0.4. This will equal your recommended protein intake. (ie: 130 pounds = 52 grams of protein per day) Even these amounts are high and are best suited for athletes, nursing and pregnant women. My husband is a scientist and works some with the causes, effects and possible cures for cancer. The healthiest people groups around the world have been documented to eat lower than our generous 0.4 grams of protein daily. Cancers have been found to feed on protein and those who consume the most protein tend more towards cancer in their bodies.
The plant foods highest in protein are legumes, beans, soy foods, tofu, nuts , whole grains and vegetables. So I advocate a diet filled with fresh fruits, vegetables (organic if possible), whole grains, nuts and seeds, along with pure water. Each individual that I see has different requirements for their bodies and their health needs, but basically, that is the foundation of a good diet. After a detox and as you begin learning also how to add fasting to your lifestyle, food tastes different and helps the transition to eating a healthier diet.

I have seen so many people completely healed of their illnesses and diseases and begin to experience living a life of quality, joy and wellness..it is incredible!

So as you consider what I’ve just said about protein, research it for yourself, and come join us on a much healthier journey to be able to fulfill all that God has destined you to be!!

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